Relentlessly Engaging And Changing Hearts
Join Contact as we pursue God's Incredible Mission in Tulsa!
God is Good, All the Time! And All the Time, God is Good! Each Sunday, the sermon at Contact begins with these words and on each hearing, those words work their way deeper into our hearts. As we consider the true goodness of our God to Contact in the past and present, the amazing outreach events like Camp Contact and the Christmas Store, the countless opportunities to sit on couches and read the Bible, and the steadfast volunteers, mission teams, and church leadership who get to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus, we are excited to once again invite YOU to REACH into the beautiful future God is working out all around us!
In 2024, we intend to R.elentlessly E.ngage A.nd C.hange H.earts through Christ by preparing for the next chapter of Contact’s ministry: making a bigger investment in our Outreach Events, bringing a new Youth & Children’s ministry team on staff, and drawing up plans to lay the groundwork for a multi-purpose building on Contact’s property! We hope you will join us steadfastly in prayer and consider supporting Contact as we work together to REACH out and raise $250,000 this year!
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